Translation: American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society logo
Spreading a message of hope for those touched by cancer


The American Cancer Society works internationally to provide research funding, information, and support for those living with cancer. To help communicate its mission to all its audiences, ACS needed a translator with deep linguistic and cancer-specific expertise.


ACS learned about ContextGlobal from the National Institutes of Health, which recommended our firm for its specialized expertise in cancer publications and its exceptional work on ACS partnered with ContextGlobal in 2009 for translation services. Over the years, the relationship has grown, because ContextGlobal provides translations based on its nuanced understanding of ACS’ mission, audiences, and goals. In 2016, ACS awarded ContextGlobal the contract for translation services for nearly every publication in all its languages.


  • ContextGlobal improved translation consistency and efficiency by developing a deep understanding of ACS’ mission, publications, and terminology. Trusted guidance and expertise in language services helped ACS enhance communication across the organization.
American Cancer Society logo

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ContextGlobal Inc.
10 G Street NE, Ste 600
Washington, D.C. 20002

(202) 200-6300